October 14, 2014

Want to know "The Secret"?

"Ask and it is given" ~The Secret

Some of you may have already seen the movie "The Secret" and some of have not.  If you are one who haven't, why not?  Borrow it from a friend, Netflix, You Tube, anything!  Make sure it is on your "to do" list!  I bought the movie a couple of years ago by recommendation of a friend.  It has since stuck with me.  When I'm feeling stuck, lost, or just need a little motivation, I watch it.  Sometimes I don't have time to watch it all, and I may just watch a snippet.  It's just as powerful!

So what is the secret?  Laws of Attraction my friends.  Manifestation.  Plain and simple.  What you think, and what you feel, becomes things.  Law of Attraction states, what you put out to the Universe is what you will receive back.  If you think, "I'm going to have a bad day", then guess what, your gonna have one!!  Wake up in the morning with a smile on your face and the thought that "today will be a good day", then it will be.  It's amazing the power of our minds.  Some people think they have to have special powers to make things happen.  All you need, is a thought and a feeling.  It's like magic.  We all have this magic inside of us.  We just have to learn to use it.  Put it to action.  Re train our thought process.  

Lets give an example.  I'm going to use the one from the movie because I think it resonates well.  You need a new car.  "Need."  Needing a new car is not going to get a you a car, it might actually work against you and create issues with your current car. (or if you don't have a car, it will be difficult for you to find one)  Instead, I want you to picture a car, your new car.  Now, feel yourself driving your new car.  What does the seat feel like?  The steering wheel?  What color is it?  Every detail.  Close your eyes and feel what your new car feels like.  Act as though you already have it.  When your in your current vehicle, pretend it's your new one.  This is when a vision board comes in handy.  A vision board is a collage of all the things you are looking for in life, in one place.  Some where you can visualize and feel your life coming together.  

Now that you have that down.  Lets talk about thoughts.  Remember I said "your thoughts become things".  Re training your thoughts, will help to manifest your future.  Instead of worrying about how something is going to get done, trust that it will.  This is where affirmations (positive thoughts) will come in handy.  Write things down as if they were in the present tense.  "Today, I am grateful for..."  Put them on a sticky note and place them around the house.  Put them in places you will look everyday.  On the fridge, mirror in the bathroom.  Say them while brushing your teeth, while cooking breakfast, dinner.  In the bedroom while getting ready for the day.  At work, by your desk.  Background on your phone.  Anywhere and everywhere you'll look.  Repeat them, feel them.  Here are a few ideas for you.  Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.

I hope that you walk away from this with a new view on your future.  Remember it takes 28 days to create a change in habit, so don't give up!  Interested in owning The Secret?  Buy it HERE.  If you want to get these posts right to your inbox, enter your email in the "follow by email" box on the side of my blog.  Want to share it/pin it?  Click on the little icons on the top of the page.  Thanks for sharing!

Happy Manifesting!!! ~ Amanda

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